Mastodon™ Engineered Batting Cage System

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SKU: PDB-12X12X55-K42-MAS-SW
Best SellerIn Stock NowInstallation Available
Sale price$8,669.00
Net Size: 12ft H x 12ft W x 55ft L

Net Size

Stalls: Single


The Mastodon™ batting cage frame system includes 8.625″ outside diameter structural steel pipes coated with the same finish used on the Alaska Pipeline. It has fewer components and offers free and clear spans up to 85′ in either direction – without significant sag. The poles come entirely prepared to accept our tensioning hardware. The cable tensioning system ensures that your net will hang adequately and needs no special tools.

*Note: Due to size, weight, and shipping distances, a custom shipping quote is required.

Multi Stall Mastodon™

Two Mastodon™ batting cages side by side, sharing the center poles. This system helps you save money on materials, labor, and shipping costs. Each cage is two feet apart so that balls from one lane will not injure players in another lane. Additional configurations are available by calling (800) 463-6865 (triple, quad, etc). All of the information listed above applies to this option.

*Be advised: Customer must be present to unload the shipment. Additional people/equipment (extended forks) may be required depending on the order size. 

Double stall mastodon installed in a park

Mastodon Batting Cage Video

Customer Reviews

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John H
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3 months ago
Mastodon practice facility.
We went big with this batting cage and it’s great. Kids have all the room they need for hitting plus fielding drills and agility training.
Review left on: Mastodon™ Engineered Batting Cage System - 12ft H x 14ft W x 70ft L / Single
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Response from Sales Rep:
John, Awesome! Glad you like the Mastodon batting cage. It is the grand daddy of them all. Thanks for your purchase and taking the time to review the Mastodon. Steve Batting Cages Inc.
Jason L
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3 years ago
Mastodon™ Engineered Batting Cage System
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Response from Sales Rep:
Hello Jason, Thank you for taking the time to leave your review on the Mastodon™ Engineered Batting Cage System. Please call us at 1 800 463 6865 with any questions, comments or concerns. Thank you, BCI
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3 years ago
Best cage system out there!!
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David C
6 years ago
Overkill and then some!
I knew this beast would be substantial when I ordered it but holy smokes! This will be still be standing long after I'm pushing up daisies. I expected the poles to flex in bit when we tightened the cables, but if they did flex, it was too minor to notice. Imagine a telephone pole made of steel, way overbuilt, complete overkill...but I'll never have to replace it!
Preview image for Overkill and then some!
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6 years ago
The Mastodon has a 20 year warranty on the poles. ...
The Mastodon has a 20 year warranty on the poles. The netting has 5 year warranty. Hope this helps!
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